Mac で Pixelorama が起動しない場合の対応方法


アプリケーションの中身を掘っていって、Pixelorama ファイルに実行権限を付ける。



If you're using MacOS, you may encounter some errors saying that Pixelorama is damaged. This is because the latest versions of MacOS mark the launcher of unknown binaries as a non-executale file. After you extract the .zip file, right-click on the .app file > show package contents, then open a terminal inside its Contents/MacOS folder. Then, type chmod +x Pixelorama . Go back to the .app file and you can now open it normally. Special thanks to @rafaelgdp for finding the solution!

Pixelorama の公式ページ

Pixelorama by Orama Interactive


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