youtube-dl で ニコニコ動画 の動画をダウンロードするためには until ... do continue でループさせると良い



$ until youtube-dl [options]; do continue; done

上記のコマンドを実行すると、ERROR: unable to download video data: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden が出た後にリジュームでダウンロードを再開してくれます。until ... do continue なので、ダウンロードが終了するまで永久ループしてくれます。


優しい方法ではないので、--sleep-interval オプションを入れるなどして優しくダウンロードしましょう。


heartbeat signal

heartbeat signal を定期的に送信する仕組みがマージされれば、上記の方法を使う必要はないそうです。

until ... do continue

until ... do continue を使う方法は以下の Issue を参考にしました。


$ until youtube-dl --ignore-errors --download-archive .youtube-dl_download-archive --write-all-thumbnails --write-annotations --write-info-json --write-description --write-auto-sub --sleep-interval 15 --max-sleep-interval 30 --format mp4; do continue; done
[niconico] sm35801010: Downloading webpage
[niconico] sm35801010: Downloading JSON metadata for h264_360p-aac_64kbps
[niconico] sm35801010: Downloading JSON metadata for h264_360p_low-aac_64kbps
[info] Writing video description to: 【実況】メガドライブミニをいい大人達が本気で遊んでみた。part1-sm35801010.description
WARNING: There are no annotations to write.
[info] Writing video description metadata as JSON to: 【実況】メガドライブミニをいい大人達が本気で遊んでみた。
[niconico] sm35801010: Downloading thumbnail ...
[niconico] sm35801010: Writing thumbnail to: 【実況】メガドライブミニをいい大人達が本気で遊んでみた。part1-sm35801010.90830849
[download] Sleeping 25.54 seconds...
[download] Resuming download at byte 34065350
[download] Destination: 【実況】メガドライブミニをいい大人達が本気で遊んでみた。part1-sm35801010.mp4
[download]  19.5% of 247.50MiB at 170.38KiB/s ETA 19:58[download] Got server HTTP error: Downloaded 50501550 bytes, expected 259522690 bytes. Retrying (attempt 1 of 10)...
ERROR: unable to download video data: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden
[niconico] sm35801010: Downloading webpage
[niconico] sm35801010: Downloading JSON metadata for h264_360p-aac_64kbps
[niconico] sm35801010: Downloading JSON metadata for h264_360p_low-aac_64kbps
[info] Writing video description to: 【実況】メガドライブミニをいい大人達が本気で遊んでみた。part1-sm35801010.description
WARNING: There are no annotations to write.
[info] Writing video description metadata as JSON to: 【実況】メガドライブミニをいい大人達が本気で遊んでみた。
[niconico] sm35801010: Downloading thumbnail ...
[niconico] sm35801010: Writing thumbnail to: 【実況】メガドライブミニをいい大人達が本気で遊んでみた。part1-sm35801010.90830849
[download] Sleeping 17.15 seconds...
[download] Resuming download at byte 50501550
[download] Destination: 【実況】メガドライブミニをいい大人達が本気で遊んでみた。part1-sm35801010.mp4
[download]  26.2% of 247.50MiB at 166.67KiB/s ETA 18:42[download] Got server HTTP error: Downloaded 67998150 bytes, expected 259522690 bytes. Retrying (attempt 1 of 10)...
ERROR: unable to download video data: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden
[niconico] sm35801010: Downloading webpage
[niconico] sm35801010: Downloading JSON metadata for h264_360p-aac_64kbps
[niconico] sm35801010: Downloading JSON metadata for h264_360p_low-aac_64kbps
[info] Writing video description to: 【実況】メガドライブミニをいい大人達が本気で遊んでみた。part1-sm35801010.description
WARNING: There are no annotations to write.
[info] Writing video description metadata as JSON to: 【実況】メガドライブミニをいい大人達が本気で遊んでみた。
[niconico] sm35801010: Downloading thumbnail ...
[niconico] sm35801010: Writing thumbnail to: 【実況】メガドライブミニをいい大人達が本気で遊んでみた。part1-sm35801010.90830849
[download] Sleeping 18.63 seconds...
[download] Resuming download at byte 67998150
[download] Destination: 【実況】メガドライブミニをいい大人達が本気で遊んでみた。part1-sm35801010.mp4
[download]  32.9% of 247.50MiB at 167.76KiB/s ETA 16:53[download] Got server HTTP error: Downloaded 85362200 bytes, expected 259522690 bytes. Retrying (attempt 1 of 10)...
ERROR: unable to download video data: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden
[niconico] sm35801010: Downloading webpage
[niconico] sm35801010: Downloading JSON metadata for h264_360p-aac_64kbps
[niconico] sm35801010: Downloading JSON metadata for h264_360p_low-aac_64kbps
[info] Writing video description to: 【実況】メガドライブミニをいい大人達が本気で遊んでみた。part1-sm35801010.description
WARNING: There are no annotations to write.
[info] Writing video description metadata as JSON to: 【実況】メガドライブミニをいい大人達が本気で遊んでみた。
[niconico] sm35801010: Downloading thumbnail ...
[niconico] sm35801010: Writing thumbnail to: 【実況】メガドライブミニをいい大人達が本気で遊んでみた。part1-sm35801010.90830849
[download] Sleeping 21.54 seconds...
[download] Resuming download at byte 85362200
[download] Destination: 【実況】メガドライブミニをいい大人達が本気で遊んでみた。part1-sm35801010.mp4
[download]  39.4% of 247.50MiB at 169.03KiB/s ETA 15:08[download] Got server HTTP error: Downloaded 102328600 bytes, expected 259522690 bytes. Retrying (attempt 1 of 10)...
ERROR: unable to download video data: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden
[niconico] sm35801010: Downloading webpage
[niconico] sm35801010: Downloading JSON metadata for h264_360p-aac_64kbps
[niconico] sm35801010: Downloading JSON metadata for h264_360p_low-aac_64kbps
[info] Writing video description to: 【実況】メガドライブミニをいい大人達が本気で遊んでみた。part1-sm35801010.description
WARNING: There are no annotations to write.
[info] Writing video description metadata as JSON to: 【実況】メガドライブミニをいい大人達が本気で遊んでみた。
[niconico] sm35801010: Downloading thumbnail ...
[niconico] sm35801010: Writing thumbnail to: 【実況】メガドライブミニをいい大人達が本気で遊んでみた。part1-sm35801010.90830849
[download] Sleeping 24.84 seconds...
[download] Resuming download at byte 102328600
[download] Destination: 【実況】メガドライブミニをいい大人達が本気で遊んでみた。part1-sm35801010.mp4
[download]  45.8% of 247.50MiB at 169.25KiB/s ETA 13:32[download] Got server HTTP error: Downloaded 118764800 bytes, expected 259522690 bytes. Retrying (attempt 1 of 10)...
ERROR: unable to download video data: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden
[niconico] sm35801010: Downloading webpage
[niconico] sm35801010: Downloading JSON metadata for h264_360p-aac_64kbps
[niconico] sm35801010: Downloading JSON metadata for h264_360p_low-aac_64kbps
[info] Writing video description to: 【実況】メガドライブミニをいい大人達が本気で遊んでみた。part1-sm35801010.description
WARNING: There are no annotations to write.
[info] Writing video description metadata as JSON to: 【実況】メガドライブミニをいい大人達が本気で遊んでみた。
[niconico] sm35801010: Downloading thumbnail ...
[niconico] sm35801010: Writing thumbnail to: 【実況】メガドライブミニをいい大人達が本気で遊んでみた。part1-sm35801010.90830849
[download] Sleeping 29.59 seconds...
[download] Resuming download at byte 118764800
[download] Destination: 【実況】メガドライブミニをいい大人達が本気で遊んでみた。part1-sm35801010.mp4
[download]  51.8% of 247.50MiB at 171.30KiB/s ETA 11:52[download] Got server HTTP error: Downloaded 134538250 bytes, expected 259522690 bytes. Retrying (attempt 1 of 10)...
ERROR: unable to download video data: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden
[niconico] sm35801010: Downloading webpage
[niconico] sm35801010: Downloading JSON metadata for h264_360p-aac_64kbps
[niconico] sm35801010: Downloading JSON metadata for h264_360p_low-aac_64kbps
[info] Writing video description to: 【実況】メガドライブミニをいい大人達が本気で遊んでみた。part1-sm35801010.description
WARNING: There are no annotations to write.
[info] Writing video description metadata as JSON to: 【実況】メガドライブミニをいい大人達が本気で遊んでみた。
[niconico] sm35801010: Downloading thumbnail ...
[niconico] sm35801010: Writing thumbnail to: 【実況】メガドライブミニをいい大人達が本気で遊んでみた。part1-sm35801010.90830849
[download] Sleeping 15.30 seconds...
[download] Resuming download at byte 134538250
[download] Destination: 【実況】メガドライブミニをいい大人達が本気で遊んでみた。part1-sm35801010.mp4
[download]  58.7% of 247.50MiB at 166.22KiB/s ETA 10:29[download] Got server HTTP error: Downloaded 152299950 bytes, expected 259522690 bytes. Retrying (attempt 1 of 10)...
ERROR: unable to download video data: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden
[niconico] sm35801010: Downloading webpage
[niconico] sm35801010: Downloading JSON metadata for h264_360p-aac_64kbps
[niconico] sm35801010: Downloading JSON metadata for h264_360p_low-aac_64kbps
[info] Writing video description to: 【実況】メガドライブミニをいい大人達が本気で遊んでみた。part1-sm35801010.description
WARNING: There are no annotations to write.
[info] Writing video description metadata as JSON to: 【実況】メガドライブミニをいい大人達が本気で遊んでみた。
[niconico] sm35801010: Downloading thumbnail ...
[niconico] sm35801010: Writing thumbnail to: 【実況】メガドライブミニをいい大人達が本気で遊んでみた。part1-sm35801010.90830849
[download] Sleeping 21.11 seconds...
[download] Resuming download at byte 152299950
[download] Destination: 【実況】メガドライブミニをいい大人達が本気で遊んでみた。part1-sm35801010.mp4
[download]  65.2% of 247.50MiB at 168.18KiB/s ETA 08:44[download] Got server HTTP error: Downloaded 169266350 bytes, expected 259522690 bytes. Retrying (attempt 1 of 10)...
ERROR: unable to download video data: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden
[niconico] sm35801010: Downloading webpage
[niconico] sm35801010: Downloading JSON metadata for h264_360p-aac_64kbps
[niconico] sm35801010: Downloading JSON metadata for h264_360p_low-aac_64kbps
[info] Writing video description to: 【実況】メガドライブミニをいい大人達が本気で遊んでみた。part1-sm35801010.description
WARNING: There are no annotations to write.
[info] Writing video description metadata as JSON to: 【実況】メガドライブミニをいい大人達が本気で遊んでみた。
[niconico] sm35801010: Downloading thumbnail ...
[niconico] sm35801010: Writing thumbnail to: 【実況】メガドライブミニをいい大人達が本気で遊んでみた。part1-sm35801010.90830849
[download] Sleeping 28.57 seconds...
[download] Resuming download at byte 169266350
[download] Destination: 【実況】メガドライブミニをいい大人達が本気で遊んでみた。part1-sm35801010.mp4
[download]  71.4% of 247.50MiB at 171.87KiB/s ETA 07:01[download] Got server HTTP error: Downloaded 185304900 bytes, expected 259522690 bytes. Retrying (attempt 1 of 10)...
ERROR: unable to download video data: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden
[niconico] sm35801010: Downloading webpage
[niconico] sm35801010: Downloading JSON metadata for h264_360p-aac_64kbps
[niconico] sm35801010: Downloading JSON metadata for h264_360p_low-aac_64kbps
[info] Writing video description to: 【実況】メガドライブミニをいい大人達が本気で遊んでみた。part1-sm35801010.description
WARNING: There are no annotations to write.
[info] Writing video description metadata as JSON to: 【実況】メガドライブミニをいい大人達が本気で遊んでみた。
[niconico] sm35801010: Downloading thumbnail ...
[niconico] sm35801010: Writing thumbnail to: 【実況】メガドライブミニをいい大人達が本気で遊んでみた。part1-sm35801010.90830849
[download] Sleeping 24.80 seconds...
[download] Resuming download at byte 185304900
[download] Destination: 【実況】メガドライブミニをいい大人達が本気で遊んでみた。part1-sm35801010.mp4
[download]  77.7% of 247.50MiB at 169.08KiB/s ETA 05:33[download] Got server HTTP error: Downloaded 201741100 bytes, expected 259522690 bytes. Retrying (attempt 1 of 10)...
ERROR: unable to download video data: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden
[niconico] sm35801010: Downloading webpage
[niconico] sm35801010: Downloading JSON metadata for h264_360p-aac_64kbps
[niconico] sm35801010: Downloading JSON metadata for h264_360p_low-aac_64kbps
[info] Writing video description to: 【実況】メガドライブミニをいい大人達が本気で遊んでみた。part1-sm35801010.description
WARNING: There are no annotations to write.
[info] Writing video description metadata as JSON to: 【実況】メガドライブミニをいい大人達が本気で遊んでみた。
[niconico] sm35801010: Downloading thumbnail ...
[niconico] sm35801010: Writing thumbnail to: 【実況】メガドライブミニをいい大人達が本気で遊んでみた。part1-sm35801010.90830849
[download] Sleeping 22.07 seconds...
[download] Resuming download at byte 201741100
[download] Destination: 【実況】メガドライブミニをいい大人達が本気で遊んでみた。part1-sm35801010.mp4
[download]  84.2% of 247.50MiB at 168.26KiB/s ETA 03:57[download] Got server HTTP error: Downloaded 218574950 bytes, expected 259522690 bytes. Retrying (attempt 1 of 10)...
ERROR: unable to download video data: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden
[niconico] sm35801010: Downloading webpage
[niconico] sm35801010: Downloading JSON metadata for h264_360p-aac_64kbps
[niconico] sm35801010: Downloading JSON metadata for h264_360p_low-aac_64kbps
[info] Writing video description to: 【実況】メガドライブミニをいい大人達が本気で遊んでみた。part1-sm35801010.description
WARNING: There are no annotations to write.
[info] Writing video description metadata as JSON to: 【実況】メガドライブミニをいい大人達が本気で遊んでみた。
[niconico] sm35801010: Downloading thumbnail ...
[niconico] sm35801010: Writing thumbnail to: 【実況】メガドライブミニをいい大人達が本気で遊んでみた。part1-sm35801010.90830849
[download] Sleeping 23.36 seconds...
[download] Resuming download at byte 218574950
[download] Destination: 【実況】メガドライブミニをいい大人達が本気で遊んでみた。part1-sm35801010.mp4
[download]  90.7% of 247.50MiB at 169.31KiB/s ETA 02:19[download] Got server HTTP error: Downloaded 235276250 bytes, expected 259522690 bytes. Retrying (attempt 1 of 10)...
ERROR: unable to download video data: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden
[niconico] sm35801010: Downloading webpage
[niconico] sm35801010: Downloading JSON metadata for h264_360p-aac_64kbps
[niconico] sm35801010: Downloading JSON metadata for h264_360p_low-aac_64kbps
[info] Writing video description to: 【実況】メガドライブミニをいい大人達が本気で遊んでみた。part1-sm35801010.description
WARNING: There are no annotations to write.
[info] Writing video description metadata as JSON to: 【実況】メガドライブミニをいい大人達が本気で遊んでみた。
[niconico] sm35801010: Downloading thumbnail ...
[niconico] sm35801010: Writing thumbnail to: 【実況】メガドライブミニをいい大人達が本気で遊んでみた。part1-sm35801010.90830849
[download] Sleeping 17.93 seconds...
[download] Resuming download at byte 235276250
[download] Destination: 【実況】メガドライブミニをいい大人達が本気で遊んでみた。part1-sm35801010.mp4
[download]  97.3% of 247.50MiB at 166.66KiB/s ETA 00:40[download] Got server HTTP error: Downloaded 252640300 bytes, expected 259522690 bytes. Retrying (attempt 1 of 10)...
ERROR: unable to download video data: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden
[niconico] sm35801010: Downloading webpage
[niconico] sm35801010: Downloading JSON metadata for h264_360p-aac_64kbps
[niconico] sm35801010: Downloading JSON metadata for h264_360p_low-aac_64kbps
[info] Writing video description to: 【実況】メガドライブミニをいい大人達が本気で遊んでみた。part1-sm35801010.description
WARNING: There are no annotations to write.
[info] Writing video description metadata as JSON to: 【実況】メガドライブミニをいい大人達が本気で遊んでみた。
[niconico] sm35801010: Downloading thumbnail ...
[niconico] sm35801010: Writing thumbnail to: 【実況】メガドライブミニをいい大人達が本気で遊んでみた。part1-sm35801010.90830849
[download] Sleeping 25.31 seconds...
[download] Resuming download at byte 252640300
[download] Destination: 【実況】メガドライブミニをいい大人達が本気で遊んでみた。part1-sm35801010.mp4
[download] 100% of 247.50MiB in 00:22

*1:以下は sm35801010 をダウンロードする例

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